Help! I Can’t Get Up!
By Gus

Your life will change when you cannot control your movement. When you cannot stand up from the toilet by yourself, you will find yourself in an assisted living facility. If you cannot control yourself from standing all the way down to the floor (and back up again) you are destined for a fall that could end your independence.
Aging is, of course, inevitable. And needing medical assistance isn’t a mark of moral failing. But given the choice of being able to handle your own business in your own home, relying on professionals in a facility, or on your adult children in their home… the decision is pretty clear which leads to the preferable life.
Thus your decision right now isn’t unclear either. Your best bet for hanging onto that preferable life is to get strong while it’s simple and hang onto it for as long as you can.
Your best bet for getting stronger is with barbells. Training with weights lets you start with a manageable load and increase it incrementally. Training with weights improves bone density and grows muscle at any age but the earlier you start the better the result.
For most of us, the gym has nothing to do with looks. It’s the essential maintenance and upkeep of the only body we get to live in.
You owe it to your future self to sort this out now.