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Gus's Barbell Club

CrossFit Gym near the Highlands in Germantown, Louisville KY

Gus’s Barbell Club is the private coaching studio of Alex “Gus” Gustafson. Gus is a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer but the gym is not a CrossFit affiliate nor does it sell any CrossFit services. For a CrossFit gym in the area consult the affiliate map.

Instead of general fitness, Gus’s Barbell Club focuses on individual goals. With private strength coaching and daily habit/nutrition coaching, members will gain specific adaptations to meet their desired results.

The Starting Strength methodology allows for programming that meets the athlete at their current strength and predictably makes them stronger. This increased strength can be use to further results out of the gym.

Training for pickleball. Training for golf. Training for hiking, dancing or playing with your grandkids. Private strength coaching will improve your body to handle these activities for a better life.

A foggy gym.